Our Story2020-12-12T21:40:47+00:00

Our Story

7. The Body Keeps the Score

Note: for anyone that is suffering from PTSD, the book I reference in this post The Body Keeps the Score, can be a possible trigger for some readers. For Aaron and I, it was a crucial roadmap for our recovery. We are grateful for its existence and for the many decades of research behind it. […]

8. Trigger Warning


Quick note: If you feel suicidal, please get help. Call 1-800-273-8255 (TALK). There’s no judgement here. Only a compassion. Suicide is a symptom; not a choice. Call the number.

In Alcoholics Anonymous when you share your recovery story, you are encouraged to share “what is was like, what happened, and what it’s like now.” Nobody […]

9. The Cuckoo’s Nest, Reprise

1-The noise was back…

…A few days earlier it was faint. I was getting edgy. Nothing too serious. Then I started to struggle with sleep. Then eating. Then I started isolating. The new medication didn’t seem to be working.

I told Linda I wasn’t feeling well. I called another alcoholic for support. I went to a meeting. […]

10. Radical Disclosure

It’s been four months since our last post. We’re sorry. If you’ve read the first nine chapters, you may understand why we felt the need for a break. Our goal is to restart our work on 72 Hour Hold and complete the story. We also have some other projects to announce in conjunction with our […]

11. Time, Baby, Time

In 2004, at ten in the morning, I was lying on the bench connected to our dining table. It was November in Connecticut, and it was cold. My two sons, Gareth (5), and Eliot (3), were leaning over me. Worried. I still remember Gareth saying, “What’s wrong, Daddy?”

I was so drunk I couldn’t sit up […]

12. How to Heal from PTSD: Male survivors of CSA

I can’t begin to imagine how I would have coped with what many of my patients have endured, and I see their symptoms as part of their strength—the ways they learned to survive. And despite all their suffering many have gone on to become loving partners and parents, exemplary teachers, nurses, scientists, and artists.